Welcome to the basic course!
The basic course consists of 7 lessons. Every lesson consists of two parts, one language training part and one part on fundamental values.
You need to do both the language training part and the part on fundamental values before you can continue to the next lesson.
Videos about preschool from the Swedish National Agency for Education
Start by watching the videos below for an introduction to Swedish preschools.

Lesson 1
Dropping off at preschool
Dropping off the child should be a good start to their day.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 2
Circle time
Circle time prepares the child for the day and the activities to come.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 3
Lunchtime at preschool
Lunchtime offers opportunities for learning and the development of good social skills.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 4
Managing conflicts
Learning to deal with conflicts is part of the learning process in preschool.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 5
Rest and nap time and story time
Preschool should offer a good balance between rest and activity.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 6
Getting dressed
Learning to dress develops children’s motor skills, self-esteem and self-confidence.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Lesson 7
On the integrity of the child
Integrity work in preschool is very important. Children learn to respect others, and they also learn about their own, and others’, integrity.
1 Begin by practicing words and sentences in Swedish (Language lesson).
2 Learn about fundamental values (Lesson on values)

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.

Test your knowledge
Complete the training by taking a test and earning a diploma. (In Swedish) After you pass the test, a diploma will be sent to your email. You can also download the diploma via a button in this box.

Please complete the previous lesson before moving on.